Monday, June 13, 2011

Your Online Image — The Devil Is In the Details, Part 2

By now, hopefully you are beginning to grasp the concept of how important developing a strong marketing platform and appealing attraction marketing is for your career and home-based business. YOU, Inc. are the brand that is being promoted via your internet marketing strategy. Since what goes out into the internet world can be seen by millions, when you are developing your brand the ‘devil really is in the details’.

For this reason, there are some things you should watch for.

Negative comments or feedback - Entrepreneurs of any type are bound to get the occasional undesirable comments; it is part of the world of business. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. The important part is how you, and your brand, recover from it. Aside from not allowing yourself to take it personally or feel defeated, you need to approach the “bounce back” in a positive manner. In other words, state your case.

Whether the negativity came at you from a personal email or was a post on a public forum, make it clear you take these types of things seriously and can handle them. Plan out your response, make it ‘professional’, polite and to the point. There usually isn’t any reason to be apologetic in your reply, unless it is to offer a reply such as “sorry you feel this way about the matter” or “sorry you perceive it in this manner.” A positive response can make all the difference in how the complainer feels and how potential clients view your brand.

Make the public understand this is not an MLM - People can get confused when they hear powerful phrases like “Millionaires On A Mission” or “Learn To Earn With Alex and Tera” It can be very easy for some to immediately jump to conclusions and categorize this home-based business opportunity as “too good to be true.” Potential business associates want to hear about ‘how to be a millionaire’ then, sometimes, need to file it under some flawed category. Know why? Because they don’t want to succeed. The bottom line is, they think they want to flourish, but when given the opportunity they are too comfortable being where they are and unwilling to take chances.

Follow up is a crucial part of direct sales - This can mean following up on potential leads instead of just waiting and hoping they come on board or even get back to you. It also means answering those who may contact you for more information or with direct questions. Don’t leave people hanging.

If someone has asked you a question, respond. There’s no point in launching a social media or email campaign and then not following up on responses. Not all responses will be immediate business, some people need more assistance. Don’t write them off as a lost cause. With a little more prompting, anyone could become your potential customer.

You’ve taken this step to launch your own business, fire your boss and work towards becoming a millionaire. Make sure in the process to watch for things that could be easily taken care of but could stand in the way of your success if ignored. Take action. BE the success you deserve to be.

In ALL You Do…Play YOUR Best Game!

Alex and Tera Singletary
Mindset and Internet Business Coaches

Twitter:  CCPROMission

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